Thursday 20 September 2012

Around the World in 248 Days: A Multi Cultural Multi Lingual Project we'll release this year with the support of the European Council as the European Day of languages


Students from 4 – 6 years old
26th  September 2012 – 31st  May 2013
1.       English language Lessons
English lessons in school which includes working in the course books, cultural lessons and lessons in children’s culture in English Speaking countries all over the world.
2.       Multi Lingual Language Club
A club after school hours for children who want to learn more. There will be 5 languages and cultures briefly taught. English, French, German, Dutch and Italian. Lessons include information giving, story reading, playing of games, singing of songs, performing theatre and much more. The lessons are given in the focus language.
3.       World Citizenship Lessons
Lessons during school hours to all children. The children learn about different cultures all over the world through information giving, story reading, playing of games, singing of songs, performing dances and much more. The lessons are given in Turkish.
4.       Sports Lessons
During sports lessons the children learn dances, games and sports from all over the world, including Turkish and Kurdish folk dances. 
5.       Music Lessons
On special occasions like The European Day of Languages and New Year the children learn a non- Turkish song. They also learn a special multi cultural multi lingual song further in the school year.
1.       Kick-Off
26th September with songs, multi lingual greetings, language activities, dance movement and loads of handcraft activities.
2.       All year long
Learning of: different cultures all over the world, different habits and dances in the world, different languages, different songs and games, sports from other countries,  and simple language structures to help them start conversations in those languages.
Making of a language Portfolio: Children choose what materials to collect in the language portfolio. At the end of the year students present this portfolio to their parents.
3.       Olympic Day
A day full of sport and games from in and out the country. 
4.       The end-of-the-year show
Perform at the-end-of-the-year show:  multi cultural dances, songs in English and other languages taught, theatre play with the learnt language structures.

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European Day of Languages

Fact Sheet

·         Age:  4 – 6 years old.
·         Timing:
o   Start: 26th  September
o   End: 31st May with the end-of-the-year show in theatre.
·         Aim:
o   To reinforce the children’s learning of the English language and other foreign languages.
o   To make children alert and active world citizens.
o   To promote tolerance and reduce racism in school and in the local society.
o   To enjoy learning about different cultures and languages.

Who are we?

Language teachers: We are the English language teachers of a kindergarten. The four of us, teach English to children from 3 till 6 years old. 4, 5 and 6 year olds have got 2 hours a day English lesson. 3 years old have got 3 hours of English every week.
Next to English lessons we also have a Club after school time for children who like to learn some more about languages. In this club we don’t only focus on English, but also on other languages. Our foreign teachers from England and Belgium are multi lingual and speak French, Dutch, German and Italian.
Language teachers don’t speak any Turkish in school. Children learn the new language by interpretation and adaptation. 
Class teachers:  We are the class teachers of the 3 grades of Kindergarten at the school. As part of our curriculum we teach the children throughout the whole year about different cultures all over the world. We speak Turkish in class, so children can absorb as much as possible in their own language. 
Children: We are the children of Diyarbakır. A city located in East Anatolia, the Middle East. In our city live mostly Turkish and Kurdish children. We don’t know much about the rest of the world yet.  Our films and programs on television are dubbed in Turkish, even the ones for adults. Outside class there is little chance for us to come in contact with different cultures and languages.
Luckily, because of the language program in the school, children of people from outside the country come to our class too. Together we can learn Turkish, English and many other things.

Target group

The target group of this project are the children from a kindergarten in Diyarbakır, East Anatolia, Turkey. The children are between the age of 4 and 6 years old. They are divided over several classes. 
2008 classes
The 4 years old classes will participate to the project during branch lessons and world citizen lessons. 
2007 - 2006 classes
The 5 – 6   years old classes will participate to the project during branch lessons, world citizen lessons and Language Club lessons. 
Cooperation between branch teachers and class teachers
Because of the size and importance of this project branch teachers and class teachers will work closely together to achieve the impossible. We can learn from each other, and from the children and parents. Everybody will be a student and a teacher at the same time. We will learn that having a different culture or speak a different language doesn’t necessarily mean you have to live in another country. Just looking at your neighbour (=colleagues)...  and we’ll discover more about them then we ever expected.
Getting to know each other is important.
  • Some of the teachers have Arabic as native language or are not Turkish from birth, but we don’t know
  • Foreign teachers don’t automatically speak English in the country of origin, but we don’t know
  • Some teachers can speak more than one language, but we don’t know
  • Some teachers have experience in working with children with disabilities, but we don’t know
  •   ... We don’t know... YET!
Involvement of parents
A very important part of the project is the involvement of the parent. Because we work with very young children, parents still have the biggest part in their education. Their behaviour should be a model for the lessons we try to teach our students. 
Parents will be informed of the project in the first meeting of the year. They will get to know the targets and procedures we will use. Every month parents receive a parent’s letter with the project process. A weekly program given to students every Friday tells parents which activities will follow the coming week. 
Parents will be asked to participate in the lessons. They can participate by using ‘show and tell’ or come and teach a dance, game or song to the children (and teachers) connected to a different culture.
Parents are asked to follow the rules of the basic attitude of respect and tolerance. Parents are expected to ask their children to do the same.
Parents are expected to be present at the end-of-the-year show to come and see their children’s performance. 
Objectives – Targets
To reinforce the children’s learning of the English language and other foreign languages.
During Club Time and English Lessons we will speak only (or for the clubs – as much as possible) in the language we are teaching. By hearing the same words and language structures, children can absorb the newly taught language quicker. We chose to teach 5 different languages to have a spectrum of sounds and words children can learn. We hope to achieve this by using both Germanic and Romanic languages. By learning how to pronounce different sounds at a young age, children will have fewer difficulties learning foreign languages at a later age.
Children will learn how to make connections between their native language and the newly taught languages.  (ex. Şato TR – Chateau FR / Futbol TR – Foot_Ball EN). Through lots of games, handcraft, songs and dances we will try to come to the end product of an activity to perform on stage in the end-of-the-year show

To make children alert and active world citizens.
At the end of a child’s school career we would like them to be standing in life as a strong, intelligent and true person.  So why not start building on this in kindergarten.  We want to make children alert of the world around them by teaching them the difference and alikeness in people around us. We want them to think critical about themselves and other cultures. The class teachers will teach the children these skills during the World Citizenship lessons. Together they will discover the world around us. 
To promote tolerance and reduce racism in school and in the local society. 
In our city, who lives partly still in the past, partly already in the future tolerance is a very important value. Daily life is for a lot of citizens a struggle for survival. As well Kurdish children as Turkish children in the school, stay the victim of ongoing violence and racism. Outside the city walls people are still fighting, and every time someone gets hurt or killed, a child is touched too. Also amongst our students...
We are growing the adults of tomorrow, in a not perfect environment. Our belief is that if we manage to teach children to be more tolerant towards each other, we can make a difference in the future. 
And not only the children can learn from this project. Parents can see how their children build bridges between different cultures. Parents can learn from their children, to try to build a better future starting from today.
To enjoy learning about different cultures and languages.
A very important but too often forgotten target of ours is to teach children to enjoy learning. A child having fun in what it’s doing will learn much faster. The learning activities are carefully chosen to fit our children in school. A variety of dance, songs, games, movies, colouring, cutting and pasting, ... and so many other activities help us to reach as much children as possible. 
By letting children feel learning about other people and their languages is fun, we hope to establish a basic attitude of respect within the children. Something they will hopefully carry with them the rest of their lives. 
Kick-Off: European Day of Languages 
Decorate the school special with ribbons and balloons. 
Decorate the big window at the front door with sponge pictures of all sorts of languages saying ‘Welcome’.
Hang the big poster of the European Day of Languages at the front gate. 
Hang a banner saying we’re celebrating today as the European Day of Languages above the front door.
Branch teachers dress up funny for the morning aerobics. 
The children enter the school and gather in the classes. At the beginning of the school day we play through the whole school the European Anthem. This is everybody’s signal to come out of the class and gather in the big hall in front of the classes. 
The branch teachers greet the children and ask them to come closer. They tell the children they will go on a trip around the world, and ask if the children want to join them. 
Music will start to play and the teachers start doing aerobics. The music style will change every other country the teachers are dancing through. In the end the children will all be tired and it’s time to go and have breakfast.
Before lunch:
All language teachers prepared how to say in a different language ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you’. After breakfast the children go back to their classroom. Before the time of lunch the language teachers will have visited all the classrooms. In the classroom they teach the children how to say ‘Hello’ and ‘How are you’. After this the children and teacher do an activity or game to consolidate the language. 
The music teacher prepared a song in a different language and goes around the classes to teach the children this new song. 
There won’t be a branch teacher in every classroom all the time. The time there is no branch teacher in the classroom, class teachers will make together with the children a poster to promote the European Language Day. We will put the posters all over the school for the next few weeks to remind the children of this day.
Then it’s already time for lunch. The children go with their class to lunch. At the doors of the restroom the language teachers will greet the children in the newly taught greetings. 
In the afternoon it’s handcraft time. The language teachers go and visit all classes again and will explain what they can do. Possible activities are making little flags of different countries with cardboard and straws; Make one big string full of party flags about the different countries; Make paper dolls of different nationalities; help building a handprint rainbow and many more. 
After making the crafts they will be put on display in the school for parents to come and see. After this, children can choose to enter their individual crafts into their language portfolio. 
And then it’s already time for a snack and to return home. Parents will be invited to come inside the school and see what their children did today. Children can guide parents through the posters and crafts. The teachers encourage the children to test the parents’ knowledge of the newly learnt greetings.
World Citizenship  
In the beginning of the year, the World Citizenship lessons start again. Throughout the year the children will learn about all sorts of different cultures.  At the end-of-the-year show, children get the chance to perform some of the things learnt in lesson.
Every month a new country is visited by the children. All lessons follow the same structure. First children get the chance to learn about the new country through pictures, films and stories the teachers tells them. After this the children get the chance to ask questions about the country and to discuss the things they find remarkable about the country. In a third phase the children will actively get to know the country a little better. They will make hand craft, do colouring, make puppets with dough, ... etc. To consolidate all they learnt the teachers teach the children in the end phase of the month how to play games or dance in the country. These dances and games will be performed in the end-of-the-year show. Things learnt and collected in these lessons can be chosen by the children to add to their language portfolio.
English Language Lessons
During the year the children will also have English lessons. Besides working in their course books, there is lots of extra time to teach them different things. One of the extra things we teach in our English lessons is culture. We will teach the children about English speaking countries as Great Britain, USA, Australia,... Next to teaching about the country, we also teach the children about the children’s culture in those countries. We let the children meet with Bob the Builder, The Tweenies, The Wiggles, The Gruffalo... and many more film, music and book characters. By using children’s characters we hope to bring a different culture more to live for the children. It might also motivate them to read, listen, watch or listen to the characters taught when they are older. 
Multi Cultural Language Club
The language club is for students who want to learn more about other languages. It’s not an obligated school subject. Students can subscribe to the club until the end of September. This club exist next to other clubs in school about all kind of different subjects.
The languages taught in Language Club will be:
  • English
  • French
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • German
Every two months we will cut into another language. We will discover some things about the culture connected to the languages. We will learn how to play games and sing songs in another language. We will learn how to act out a short theatre play in a foreign language. 
For the English language we move in our class all around the world to Jamaica. The children get to meet the people living there through games, short film and songs. As we learn about different kinds of food, we prepare ourselves on a short performance. We learn the ‘Day-o’ song by Harry Belafonte and learn about the banana boat. At the end-of-the-year show children will perform a short display of what they learnt. In a theatre play children will show the audience which fruit and vegetables come from the banana boat and which are really not supposed to be there. The performance will be entirely in English.
In the French language we go back in time to the Dark Ages. The children learn about knights, princesses, princes, castles,... The children also learn how to express who they are and how they feel. At the end-of-the-year show the children will be able to perform a short theatre about the taught vocabulary entirely in French.
For the Italian language we take a trip in our head to Italy. There is an old friend already waiting for us. Pinocchio teaches us about the puppet theatre and how to dance like a puppet. At the end-of-the-year show the children will perform the dance on stage.
For the Dutch language we will take a look at Belgium and The Netherlands. We will meet the people there and meet some real Dutch speaking children’s heroes. In the presence of the Smurfs and super heroes Mega Mindy and Mega Toby the children learn how to sing and play typical Belgian/Dutch games. At the end-of-the-year show the children show their parents how to play a real Belgian/Dutch game.
Eins zwei drei – and we hop on one leg to Germany. There is just a party going on. The children learn how to dance and sing to a German song. The children also learn about Schnappi the little crocodile. He doesn’t live in Germany but all on the other side of the sea, in Egypt. Luckily he speaks German too.
Sports Lessons and Olympic Day
During the Sports lessons the teachers will shortly take a break of their regular curriculum to teach something different. The children will get to discover different kind of games and sports children in other countries play. The children can dance new and old dances from countries all over the world. Inclusive their own native folk dances. 
On the Olympic day all teachers will work together. All day the branch teachers will offer all kinds of sports, games and music. Children in class group will move along a track in the garden. On every stop point they will have to do some activity, game or sport. (Football, Baseball, Sing a song, Dance,... ) The class who gets the most points in the end, receives a price. All students will be rewarded with medals and a special snack.
We hope to make this activity into a yearly event.
Music Lessons
In Music lessons are taught mostly Turkish songs. For special occasions as New Year, end-of-the-year show and Olympic Games the teacher teaches them also songs in different languages. This year special on the European Day of Languages we will teach the children a non English, non Turkish song. Which song it will be is still a surprise. 
A little further in the year the children will learn another song in a different language. This song will be performed in the end-of-the-year show. 
Media coverage              
The local written press will be notified of our project at the end of May. As our goal towards the local society is to grow tolerance and respect, we prefer to keep the media coverage small (= within the area of Diyarbakır). Being able to reach the citizens of the city would already be something very special. 
Of course we will also be promoting our project through the school website, blog and e-mail newsletter. Other social media channels like FaceBook, Twitter and YouTube are considered to be used also. On our school website and blog we’ll keep parents and other supporters of the project up to date of the different phases the project consists of.  
Parents also receive every month a parent’s letter. Here we will describe what we have been doing the past month in class. The weekly program will tell parents at the end of each week what their children will learn and do the following week.
The promotion for parents and supporters will start as soon as possible. 

Start of the School Year
17 – 09 – 2012  
Welcome of the children and parents in school
Class teachers
Branch teachers
All school staff
Orientation: getting to know each other
17 – 09 – 2012
28 – 09 – 2012
Teachers visit the classes to let children get used to them speaking another language.
English teachers
Kick-off of the project
26 – 09 – 2012
Learning of different ways of saying ‘hello’ all over the world.
Learning Games and a song of other countries.
Decorate the school as ready for a party
Write on the front door ‘Welcome’ in as much as possible languages.
Branch teachers
Class teachers
English Lessons
01 – 10 – 2012
24 – 05 – 2013
Book work and Project work
English teachers
Start of World Citizen Lessons
01 – 10 – 2012
24 – 05 – 2013
First country of these lessons still needs to be determined.
Class teachers
Language Club
04 – 10 – 2012
23 – 05 – 2013
English will be the first focus language.
Introduce the children to the song and the theme of the English part of the club
English teachers
25 – 02 – 2013  ...
A multi cultural  multi lingual song
Music teacher
Games and sports
25 – 02 – 2013  ...
A game and sports out of different corners of the world.
Sports teachers
Olympic Day
03 – 05 – 2013
Class event – competition
Newly learnt sports and games + other sports
Ceremony with prices and medals.
All teachers
End- of-the-year show
31 – 05 – 2013
Performance of all the things learnt this year.

All teachers

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